We’re leaving from Shanghai next Monday so we’re writing one more time. Our last day at school was last Friday – we had a test about Chinese herbs and Tai Ji lesson. On Monday we had our last day at the practical training in Ren Ji hospital. We had a closing seremony this morning and there were all of our teachers, the principal and some manager of the school. The principal, the manager and our international coordinator gave a speech and then Emmi, one of the Finnish exchange students, showed us a PowerPoint about our stay here. Then we gave the school some feedback and the principal didn’t seem to like it. It seems that when you give some “bad” feedback here, the principal starts blaming a certain person and we don’t like it. Anyway, we got our certificates and took a group photo. After that the school really was over!

On Thursday we’ll go to a hostel with few exchange students and see some sights. We really look forward to come home but also we are really going to miss Shanghai and all of the exchange students. It has been great to share our journey in China with all of you – we really hope you travel to China someday. Thank you for all the comments! 


The school is over!